Why So Many Bumpers and Dummies For Dog Training
Bumpers and dummies that are meant for training dogs come in a variety of sizes, colors, shapes and have just as many different uses. The actual use depends on the retrieve, but why does there have to be so many options?

When it comes to water dog products, bumpers and dummies are available in either canvas or plastic, and the main point of them is to simulate dead game birds out in the field. They can be used both in the field and on water and as such, they are an ideal option for your daily training regimen.
Bumper Options and More Options
There are typically only 3 or 4 colors of the water dog products called training dummies for you to choose from. While others might be available and produced by your local supply retailer for dog training, they are really just variations of the typical four colors.
Dog Training Bumpers that are white or white and black are typically used to build contrast as well as to show the contrast in the various training environments. Black or orange dummies are mainly used to encourage dogs to use their nose or to show contrast in snowy conditions. The diameter of the bumpers is also variable. You will mainly see 2-inch diameter, but there are also 3 inches and larger diameters that can be used in a variety of terrains to allow the dog to see the dummies and to get them used to having things of differing sizes in their mouths.
Simulated Game Birds
You also have options if you are looking for simulated pheasant, duck or goose dummies. Both Avery and Dokken offer

simulated duck retrieval dummies that are a fantastic alternative to your standard bumpers. Avery also has the Avery True Bird as well as the
Avery EZ Bird. Each of these has a duck body that is life sized as well as a head that is floppy in order to simulate the feel of there being an actual bird in your dog’s mouth. The
Dead Fowl Trainer that is made by Dokken has also been designed with a foam body that is life sized. This one though also has feet that are rigid along with a floppy, hard head in order to simulate an actual dead bird so that the dog will learn how to properly hold and carry the bird properly. The head and feet are hard so that they can teach that the main body will be soft, and they have also been designed to give the dog a smack in

the snout if he decides to become aggressive and shake your bird.
All of these options are able to be had at HuntemUp.com. While they have not been designed to do the actual teaching, they have been designed to provide assistance in the training regimen. For additional help in your training regimen that you feel uncomfortable with, we suggest the help of a
professional trainer.
At HuntEmUp.com, we know sporting dogs. From the time they’re a puppy, through their senior years, we'll keep you informed on the latest news and information. For more information on Training, Preparing and Caring for your Dogs, read our
Hunting and Sporting Dog blog.
Joe Scarpy - Owner / Trainer
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