Canine Ear Infections: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention
Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention of Canine Ear Infections
Unfortunately for dogs, ear infections and irritation are just one fact of life that many must live with. For floppy-eared
What causes ear infections in dogs?
There are a number of reasons a dog may suffer from this painful condition. At the most basic level, an ear infection is simply an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria in the ear that causes pain, swelling, and discomfort. Floppy eared dogs are more likely to trap these bacteria in the ear, as are breeds that have excessive ear hair growth, such as poodles, or dogs that naturally produce a lot of ear wax, like German Shepherds. In addition, certain parasites, such as ear mites, can cause irritation that leads to infection.How do I know my dog has an ear infection?

How can I prevent ear infections in my dog?
The best way to prevent an ear infection is to regularly clean your dog’s ears with a specially formulated ear cleaning solution. An ear wash will flush the ear of wax build up while removing debris and helping restore the sensitive tissue to the proper pH. If bacteria or yeast is present, the ear wash will remove the bacteria while neutralizing odors.How to Clean a Dog’s Ears
To clean your pet’s ears, gently squirt the solution into the ear canal and massage the base of your dog’s ear in order to distribute the solution. Allow your dog to shake his or her head, and then use a q-tip or a Kleenex to dry the external portions of the ear. Never place an object directly into your dog’s ear canal, as you can easily damage sensitive tissues. The loosened ear wax and debris that is not visible will naturally work its way out of the ear.Why use NuVet Therapeutic Ear Treatment?
What are the benefits of NuVet’s ear cleaning solution? This formulation is gentle enough for everyday use, which is perfect for dogs especially prone to ear problems. Ingredients such as eucalyptus and aloe vera soothe irritated skin and naturally reduce inflammation. In addition, this formula is proven to remove any unsavory odors caused by yeast or bacteria.Read more on Releaving Hot Spots on Your Dog.
Joe Scarpy - Owner / Trainer At HuntEmUp.com, we know sporting dogs. From the time they’re a puppy, through their senior years, we'll keep you informed on the latest news and information. For more information on Training, Preparing and Caring for your Dogs, read our Hunting and Sporting Dog blog.Join Our HuntEmUp.com Customer Club Today!
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