Dokken's Shed Dog DVD Review
Review of Dokken's Shed Dog Training DVD
Shed hunting is a relatively new canine sport that is rapidly gaining popularity in the United States. The major draw to this sport is that any dog can participate, no matter the breed or lineage, and less training is required for shed hunting than traditional retrieving. One of the best resources for teaching a dog to hunt shed antlers is the Dokken Shed Dog DVD, which will be reviewed here.
In the Dokken Shed Dog DVD, renowned dog trainer Tom Dokken explains everything a dog owner needs to know about hunting sheds. Basic information, equipment, drills, and advice are all provided in this DVD. The information given is geared towards dog owners of all ability levels, not just handlers who have dog training experience.
Topics covered in this DVD include:
How to introduce your dog to shed antlers
Drills you can perform with your dog
Training equipment
Sight training and scent tracking
Silhouette training
How to use the wind to aid hunting
Where to find sheds
Bonus footage of NASHDA World Championships
Who Can Benefit Most From Dokken Shed Dog DVD?
Anyone who is interested in getting involved in shed hunting can benefit from this DVD.
Who Can Benefit Least From Dokken Shed Dog DVD?
Anyone not interested in this quickly growing sport will not benefit from the Dokken Shed Dog DVD.
What are the Advantages of Dokken Shed Dog DVD?
Tom Dokken has over 30 years experience training dogs. His expert advice and training program outlined in this easy to follow DVD is especially beneficial to the novice dog owner/trainer.
What are the Limitations of Dokken Shed Dog DVD?
The only limitation of the Dokken Shed Dog DVD is that you cannot carry it with you into the field!
Which Items in the Dokken Product Line are Similar?
The most similar item to the Dokken Shed Dog DVD is the Dokken Shed Antler Training Book, which is a great accompaniment to this product. Bottom LineUltimately, if you are interested in training your dog to hunt shed antlers but do not know how to begin, this DVD is a great item to add to your collection. Tom Dokken’s expertise on both shed hunting and dog training are unparalleled.

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