Great Event in Madison April 4-6, 2014
Madison Deer & Turkey Expo - It’s 30th year in Wisconsin this fantastic event continues.
This weekend is again time for the Madison Deer & Turkey Expo in Madison Wisconsin.
We have attended this event for years but this will be the first year we have exhibited at this event. This year’s event will offer more information on your Hunting Dog and Big Game Hunting than ever!
New Features this year in Wisconsin for 2014
•Chainsaw Carving Demonstration - Watch as Mike Brownfield uses an electric chain saw to make bears, eagles, morel mushrooms and other outdoor-y thing appear from wood. •WBH Bowhunting Heritage Museum •“Ticks & More” Gunderson Clinic Info Booth •Muzzleloaders Through History •“Spin to Win” for door prizes at Field & Stream-Outdoor Life booth (remember to register at the door prize registration tables). •Reloading Demonstration - Reloading is a past time, can offset the costs of shooting and allows shooters to customer loads for individual firearms. Visit Ask the Experts Tech Info Center to learn more. •Outdoor Life Deer of the Year - All trophy buck entries in the Big Game Trophy Contest will be entered in Outdoor Life magazine's Deer of the Year contest. You can enter the Deer of the Year Contest and have your trophy measured by official Pope & Young and B&C measurers! From the Editors of Outdoor Life - We’re proud to say that Outdoor Life readers are the most hardcore and successful deer hunters on the planet. And for more than a decade we’ve been delighted to show off your bucks and tell your deer hunting stories to the rest of outdoor world. This year is no different, but we need your help.
Seminars in Wisconsin include
Lucky began his career in companion animals in 1978 with Ralston Purina; began guiding upland hunters all over the Midwest in 1996; became a full-time gundog trainer in 2003, and opened Countryside Kennels in Bad Axe, MI, in 2005.
He raises six to 10 litters of Labrador Retrievers, German Shorthair Pointers and English setters per year and has sold dogs all over America, Canada and Mexico. He trains and boards more than 150 dogs per year.
His dogs and training techniques have been featured in numerous outdoor television programs, in publications and on radio shows. He raises and trains pointing Labrador Retrievers, shed antler hunting dogs, scent detection dogs and assistance dogs, as well as upland flushing and waterfowl dogs. Information on you pointing dog, retriever, gun dog and sporting dogs.
John has been with Outdoor Life since 2000, and currently serves as the brand's Gear Editor. Over the past 13-plus years, he's been fortunate to hunt all over North America, but every spring and fall he returns to the rolling hills of Central New York to hunt turkeys and deer with his family.
Marc Anthony, from central Illinois, has more than 40 years of experience locating and harvesting big-racked whitetails. He’s taken several Pope and Young bucks and five net Boone and Crockett all-time high category whitetails. More than 80 percent of his bow kills have been from the ground. He is a product tester for outdoor manufacturers and has developed/contributed to several product designs. Marc is on the pro staff for Bear Archery Products, Muzzy, Polaris and several other outdoor companies. He is an avid freelance writer and a blogger at Marc Anthony Outdoors.
As a serious bear hunter and managing editor of Bear Hunting Magazine, Bernie has traveled to many places and learned much about bear hunting across North America. Any conversation with Bernie reveals his well of knowledge about the black bear in North America.
Bernie is an accomplished bowhunter who travels the Midwest each year chasing big game and writing about it for his blog bowhuntingroad.com.
Bernie is best known as the author of more than 400 magazine articles and 10 books on fishing, hunting and trapping. He has fished and hunted in more than 20 states and several Canadian provinces.
You can hunt any game with a muzzleloader – deer, elk, bear, small game, turkey, waterfowl, upland birds, etc. In his seminar, Charlie will cover rifles, shotguns, smoothbore and handguns, and shooting a muzzleloader safely in the field and at the range.
Charlie hunts only with a muzzleloader – small game, turkey, deer, pheasants – and has done so more than 30 years, mostly with flintlocks. He also shoots trap, skeet and sporting clays with a muzzleloader. He owns in-lines, cap locks, under hammers, flintlocks and black powder hand guns.
Charlie has been a member of the Wisconsin Muzzle Loading Association board of directors many years. He is a member of The Rock River Buckskinners from the Milton area, is the WMLA representative to the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, and a Wisconsin representative for the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. He serves on the Conservation Congress for Rock County & Big Game Committee and is a certified hunter education instructor.
You can talk to him at the new WMLA special display of muzzleloaders and accessories and see many of the types of muzzleloaders through history -- hand cannon, matchlock, wheellock, miquelet, snaphaunce, blunderbuss, cannon, musket, flintlock, percussion, percussion (sidehammer, underhammer, inline. Rifles, shotguns, single barrel and double barrel.
Gary Clancy called in his first buck at eighteen. He missed it, but he now knew calling worked. A few years later, brown duck boat paint and white house paint transformed a plywood silhouette into a fairly realistic decoy. The deer that saw it were not impressed, but when he added grunts and antler rattling to the mix, business picked up.
The first buck that responded was a 2-1/2 year old eight-pointer, but to Gary it was a giant. When the buck got to within eight yards, Gary tried to draw but couldn’t. The excitement of that buck responding to calling and rattling, and then striding stiff-legged into the plywood decoy, was simply too much. “But I’ve made up for it since,” he says, “with the combination of rattling, calling and decoying.”
Gary has written countless magazine articles and columns, plus eight books, seven of which are on hunting the whitetail deer.
Kurt Heid has worked in the meat business more than 30 years. He began in the family meat business, which was recognized as the largest wild game processer at that time in the State of Wisconsin. Currently, he and his family run Heid Wild Game in Appleton, through which he processes more than 400 big game animals each year.
Kurt is also a master sausage maker and an authority on food preparation and preservation through curing and smoking.
Art began hunting more than 30 years ago. What started as small game and deer hunting grew to an obsession to hunt nearly every big game species across North America. His adventures have allowed him to tag six big game species and four turkey species.
Art has been featured in Wisconsin Sportman, Petersons Bowhunting, North American Hunter and North American Whitetail.
He spends more than 150 days per year in the field hunting, guiding and scouting. He uses the tools and technology available, including aerial and topographical maps and trail cameras. He has planted food plots for years. Art practices woodland management on his 40-acre property and has recently completed timber stand improvement and pond projects.
Michelle has been a registered nurse for 20 years and CPR/First Aid instructor for the past nine. Raised in a hunting and fishing family, she continues to live the outdoor lifestyle - hunting, fishing, camping and birding. With that base, plus the experience of camping and hunting in remote areas, Michelle understands the unique challenges of providing first aid in the great outdoors to yourself and to other hunters.
Considered the nation's foremost authority on shotgunning for deer, Dave has spent the better part of four decades hunting with and writing about shotguns and muzzleloaders in national magazines. Formerly the editor and gun columnist for a variety of magazines, he also has served as a consultant in the industry and as a pro staffer for a variety of shotgun, muzzleloader and ammunition companies.
Dave has written eight books on hunting and guns, served as the press coordinator for shotgun sports at the Atlanta Olympics and as a professional elk, deer and turkey guide in his younger days.
Owner and operator of HuntEmUp.com and Bull Valley Retrievers, Joe has trained dogs for over 15 years and helped clients exceed expectations on what to expect from there companion or hunting dog. Specializing in all breed obedience and hunting retrievers, Joe will be available in the HuntEmUp.com booth’s (#’s 235 & 237) for questions that you may have regarding any obedience or retriever training questions.
Ron’s firearms and shooting knowledge is wide and deep. He writes columns on rifles, ammo, optics, hunting travel and gun dogs in American Hunter, North American Hunter, Sporting Classics, Sports Afield and Outdoor News. He hosts Winchester World of Whitetail on NBC Sports Network and answers questions about firearms, hunting and optics at Field & Stream Deer and Turkey Expos.
During a 36-year career, Ron has hunted on six continents and published thousands of his photos and articles in dozens of outdoor magazines, books, websites and blogs.
Read more at Ronspomeroutdoors.com or check out his videos on YouTube.
Kevin is the Big Game Ecologist for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. A lifelong hunter, trapper and fisher, Kevin was born and raised in central Wisconsin. His entire professional career has been spent in Wisconsin and includes working as a biologist for the DNR, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Pheasants Forever. He has hunted extensively throughout North America.
For a weekend of outdoor fun, be sure to visit the Madison Deer & Turkey Expo! HuntEmUp.com will be in Booth #’s 235 & 237 with a complete line of Hunting Dog equipment and Sporting Dog Supplies. We will also be featuring the complete line of Waterfowl Decals from WaterfowlDecals.com!
Hope to See You There!
1919 Alliant Energy Center Way
Madison, WI 53713
Event Hours
Friday, Apr. 4, 2014 - 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday, Apr. 5, 2014 - 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sunday, Apr. 6, 2014 - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Joe Scarpy - HuntEmUp.com
"The World Wide Hunting Dog Superstore"