How to Relieve Hot Spots in Dogs
Re-leaving Hot Spots in Dogs
Dogs and fleas go hand in hand, and sometimes these pests are downright unavoidable. Besides being annoying insects, fleas can lead to skin infections called hot spots that are uncomfortable and cause incessant scratching and
What Does a Hot Spot Look Like?

What Causes Hot Spots?
When a flea chooses your dog as a host, it sucks blood from your pet in order to nourish its offspring. Many dogs are allergic to the saliva that is passed from the flea to your dog, causing an allergic reaction. When a dog excessively scratches at flea bites, bacteria can enter areas of broken skin, causing an infection known as pyotraumatic dermatitis. In addition to fleas, dogs can develop hot spots from any other irritation, including a scratch from a thorn bush that becomes infected or even a vaccination site that becomes irritated.How Can I Treat my Dog’s Hot Spot?
The best way to treat a hot spot is to get your dog to leave the affected area alone. For many dogs and owners, this task is easier said than done. A common solution is to spray a relieving spray onto the hot spot which will provide relief to the dog’s itchy and painful symptoms. NuVet’s Hot Spot Treatment Spray contains calming eucalyptus and aloe vera that provides immediate cooling relief without a stinging sensation. By providing relief to the area, the dog will be less tempted to further irritate the hot spot by licking or scratching, allowing the infection to heal naturally. In addition to hot spots, this spray can also provide relief to other skin ailments, such as eczema and dermatitis.How Can I Prevent Hot Spots?
Unfortunately, hot spots are something that nearly every dog will experience at least once during his or her life. However, there are a number of ways to minimize the chances of your dog developing this painful condition. The most important preventative step is to have your dog on a year-round flea preventative, such as a topical gel, an oral tablet, or through use of a flea collar. Since fleas are the number one cause of hot spots, preventing their infestation is an important step that pet owners can take in lowering a dog’s risk. Next, be vigilant when your pet is outside about making sure that he or she does not come in contact with plants that may cause skin irritation or scratches. For instance, brushing up against a thorn bush can introduce bacteria into the wound, leading to a hot spot later. Since hot spots are not entirely preventable, it is always a good idea to have a hot spot relieving spray on hand!Read more on Canine Ear Infections: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention.
Hunter Dunbar - Outdoor Enthusiast At HuntEmUp.com, we know sporting dogs. From the time they’re a puppy, through their senior years, we'll keep you informed on the latest news and information. For more information on Training, Preparing and Caring for your Dogs, read our Hunting and Sporting Dog blog.Join Our HuntEmUp.com Customer Club Today!
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