How to Select the Right Dog Shock Collar
Are you having a difficult time trying to get your dog to follow your commands? Do you have sleepless nights because of your dog's endless barking?
There are a number of effective training techniques currently available that can help you calm your dog down, but probably the best-known and fast acting solution is to use a dog shock collar. This is a particularly effective form of training tool can be used to quickly stop a dog's bad habit over a short period of time, though most people new to the idea may be a little surprised by the use of electric shocks to control their pet.
In fact the dog shock collar has been used since the 1940's, though since it was first put to use the mechanics of dog shock collars have developed from large bulky devices into small lightweight collars that are more comfortable for your dog. A number of well-known pet care companies have developed dog shock collars including, 'Pet Safe bark collars' and 'Dog Sport collars', both well known within the dog training industry. The collars use a simple, but effective mechanism to help change your dog's bad habits, they can either automatically deliver a shock each time your dog over barks or the owner can remotely control the shock using a handheld device. It is usually recommended that dog shock collars be used only once all other form of training have been exhausted and only used for short periods of time to avoid over exhausting your pet.
Why train electronically?
Training electronically, or e-training, is similar to traditional leash training, or touch training, in that timing and consistency are keys to your pet associating a behavior with a correction. Where e-training excels is in the immediacy of the correction to the behavior. That precision helps your dog connect the correction to the behavior and not simply to the device or to you, the trainer. Our pet training devices give you more control of the intensity and duration of the training so you can use the least amount of correction you need to yield the best results.To get a better idea of the different types of dog shock collar available on today's market, here are two examples of popularly used dog shock collars that can be found in most pet stores and over the internet.
Garmin / TriTronics
Garmin / TriTronics - pet products can be broken into 2 groups. The first are devices designed to address a specific behavior (nuisance barking). The second are devices to enhance obedience and behavior training (e-trainers). Garmin
Dogtra - World’s Finest E-Collars
Dogtra - World’s Finest E-Collars - Based out of Torrance, California, USA, Dogtra Company produces the world's finest e-collars. Dogtra's focus is on offering user-friendly e-collars that are designed for the most demanding training
conditions. Dogtra offers a complete line of e-collars from small-breed pet trainers to a variety of sporting dog units as well as K-9 Police work. Dogtra is a proud member of ECMA (Electronic Collar Manufacturers Association), and PETT (Partnership for Electronic Training Technology). All of our factories are certified ISO 14001 - Environmental Management, and ISO 9001 - Quality Management standards.

Joe Scarpy - HuntEmUp.com
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