How To Take The Best Care of Your Dog In The Summertime
The dog days of summer - Summer Time Care of You Dog
The dog days of summer are so called because these are the days when dogs like to lie around in the shade not doing much of anything. These days we tend to interpret this to mean that it's a great time to get out and do active things with your dog. Many towns and cities hold festivals in honor of these dog days. Doubtless many dogs feel rather disgruntled (or worse) when required to attend.Summertime is the time to make the living easy for your dog.

Never leave your dog in the car at any time of year.
This is doubly true in the summer. Even if you park in the shade and leave your windows open a bit, it can get extremely hot in a parked car. Many dogs have died from heat prostration caused by this practice. These days, so many people are aware of the danger, you are very likely to return to your car to find your windows broken and the police standing by no matter how briefly you were gone. For all these reasons, if you are going somewhere and your dog cannot accompany you, it's better to leave him home.
Just like people, dogs may feel even more uncomfortable in the summertime if they are overweight. Be sure to keep your dog at a proper weight all year round. If he does put on a little weight in the wintertime, switch to a light dog food to help him be slim, svelte and cool in time for summer.
Taking good care of your dog in the summer is really just common sense.
Avoid excessive sun exposure and strenuous exercise. Be sure plenty of clean water is available at all times. Make the most of opportunities to cool off by going for a dip and running in the sprinklers.
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