2017 NASHDA World Championship Qualifying Event
Divisions: NASHDA Junior, Senior, and Master Hunt Test
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Event Time: 10 am - 5 pm – 2 Courses – 1 Entry per course per dog
Location: Taylor Community Park, Taylor, WI
Jim and Lisa Schock
Phone: 715-662-5502
North American Shed Hunting Dog Association’s (NASHDA) goal is to create an exciting and fun event for those looking to use their dogs to find shed antlers. The Qualifying Events run from May 1st to the season ending World Shed Dog Championship (which is an Invitational) in April.
What Should I Bring to an Event?
1. Dog’s travel crate.
2. Bowl, food and water
3. Collars, leash. Please have your dog leashed.
4. Vaccination Certificate showing current:
a. Rabies
c. Bordetella
5. Reminder: In Season Females are not allowed to compete.
About Shed Dog Training
For those of you passionate about shed hunting and dogs, this is your sport. Shed Dog Hunting is the fastest growing

sport in the dog world.
Shed hunting with your dog can be a very gratifying sport and with the right training is very exciting. With the help of your dog, who can cover a lot more ground than you can alone, you will be amazed at how much more successful you will be in finding those shed antlers in the woods this next season.
With the help of some training materials and
DVD’s you can turn almost any dog into a shed dog. However, if you don’t feel comfortable or have the time to do it yourself, seek the help of a
professional trainer that has experience with teaching dogs to shed hunt.
For a complete offering of all your Shed Dog Hunting training products
visit our store.
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