Owens Dog Box 55046 Review
Review of the Owens Dog Box 55046
If you are the handy type and would prefer to build your dog box yourself, Owens provides a DIY model for your needs. Here, the Owens Dog Box 55046 model will be reviewed.
Owens Dog Box 55046 Description
The Owens 55046 provides everything you need - minus the wood and wood screws - to build a dog box with overall dimensions of 46’’W x 48’’D x 25’’H. The dual dog box compartments are 22’’W x 46’’D x 23’’H. Included in this kit are a bolt pack, 7’’ x 10’’ maximum flow side air vents (2), and a front door with a welded, rigid door frame to serve as the base for your box. For increased durability, heavy-duty aluminum corners are also included. Like other Owens models, diamond tread aluminum is provided this kit, as well as slam latch lockable doors.
What are the Benefits of the Owens Dog Box 55046?
The benefit of this model is the ability to build the item yourself without sacrificing valuable features such as secure, slam latch doors that are lockable or maximum flow side air vents.
What are the Limitations of the Owens Dog Box 55046?
If you are looking for storage space, this dog box model does not have an option for additional storage.
Who can Benefit Most from the Owens Dog Box 55046?
The handy dog owner who enjoys DIY projects and has dogs that require additional height can benefit most from this product, as can anyone who wants to save money on a high-quality aluminum product.
Who can Benefit Least from the Owens Dog Box 55046?
The person who would benefit least from this product is the sportsman or woman who does not enjoy DIY projects or who requires additional storage areas.
Which Products in the Owens Line are Most Comparable?
Pre-made products that are most comparable are the Owens Dog Box 55005 and 55006 models, which have dual dog compartments and also a storage compartment, as well as the 55019 model, which has a single dog compartment of similar dimensions.
See the Assembly Instructions - Click Here
Bottom LineUltimately, if you are a handy person who wants to save money without sacrificing quality or craftsmanship and do not require a storage area, the Owens Dog Box 55046 model is perfect for your needs.

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