Owens Dog Box Rebate for May / June 2016
$25.00 Mail-in Rebate from Owens
Valid on Most Owens Products running boards, tool boxes Venom Hoods & dog boxes. Not valid on replacement parts, tool totes, DIY dog box kits or K9 Transport series dog boxes.
Click Here to see the complete list of Owens Dog Boxes Here
Rebate Details
Your rebate request, including all required materials, must be post marked by July 15, 2016. Limit 1 per household, address and/or name. This form must accompany this request: it may not be reproduced or published in a refund magazine. Only handwritten requests will be honored. Additional requests for proofs of purchase will not be returned. Requests for rebate(s) from retailers, distributors, re-sellers, clubs, groups, post office boxes or organizations will not be honored or acknowledged. Offer valid only in USA. Void where offer taxed, restricted or prohibited by law. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Fraudulent submission could result in federal prosecution under mail fraud statutes (Title 18, United states Code Section 1342). Rights to the rebate are not assignable or transferable. We reserve the right toverify identification. Not responsible for lost, late or undeliverable rebate requests or responses. Unless expressly prohibited by law, Check will be void if not cashed within 90 days. For information regarding your rebate, please email: sales@HuntEmUp.com. Program number : 160509 Offer Number: OPI-16-01

How Do I Receive My Rebate?
To receive your rebate offer of $25.00, for the purchase of Owens Products running board, tool box or dog box, you must: *Purchase your item between May 9, 2016 and June 30, 2016. *By no later than July 15, 2016, mail this form along with the original UPC from product package and the original purchase receipt, dated between May 9, 2016 and June 30, 2016 with your product purchase and price circled.Click Here for the Owens Dog Box Rebate Certificate
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