The Cuddelink System - Setting Up Your Cuddeback CuddeLink System
The CuddeLink System by Cuddeback enables you to monitor your cameras without disturbing the natural habitat of whitetail deer. With the option of a cell plan, you can easily set up a HOME camera in an area that is not frequented by deer and place several REMOTE cameras around it. This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up the system. Give it a try and enjoy the benefits, my friends.
CuddeLink is a wireless mesh network that allows remote cameras to communicate with each other. It is not cell service or Wi-Fi. The network can have up to 23 remote cameras, with the ability to add more as needed. In dense forests, the typical transmission range is ¼ to ½ mile, while in open spaces, the range can extend to over 1 mile. CuddeLink automatically daisy-chains cameras to extend range to over 4 miles, making it suitable for large properties. There is no monthly fee to collect images on the home camera.
CuddeLink Cell offers an affordable solution for cellular trail cameras. By using a single cell plan, up to 16 cameras can send their images to a home collection device equipped with a cellular modem. This device then sends the images from all the remote cameras, eliminating the need for multiple cell plans.
CuddeLink Advantages
The Home camera can be conveniently placed in a parking spot or building, allowing for more frequent camera checks throughout the day. Checking only one camera also eliminates intrusion on animals, as well as sound and human scent. CuddeLink Cell offers affordable cell service plans starting at $15 per month for up to 16 cameras, with 2,000 images included in the $15 plan.
See Set-up Manual HERE