What Do Dog Owners Need To Know - COVID-19
What Do Dog Owners Need To Know - COVID-19
However it may be remotely possible that a pet could become a temporary carrier of the COVID-19 virus via contact with an infected person and harbor the virus in his saliva while showing no actual clinical disease. Being that, if a dog licks a person on the face, he could in theory pass those virus particles onto that person, who could possibly, then become infected. This is pretty far-fetched but it could feasibly happen.
As far as a fomite, the potential for contagion is slightly different. In the same scenario, a person that is infected coughs on his dog and the virus particles land on their fur . If the dog were then come in contact with a different person who pets the dog, inadvertently pick up those virus particles, touch their eyes, mouth or face and infects themselves. In an instance such as this, the dog becomes no different than a refrigerator handle or door knob. The animal becomes the transport of the virus to the person.
With that being said, it would be advisable to limit with your dog if you, or someone in your household had been in contact with a person that is infected. If you oar your family are self-quarantining and no one in the home has tested positive or is exhibiting signs of the COVID-19 virus, you may resolve to quarantine your dog as well. Feel free to get your dog out for exercise, but try to keep him away from other dogs (social distancing).