What is a Versatile Hunting Dog?
Versatile Hunting Dogs and Breeds
The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association defines versatility as a dog that has been trained and bred to reliably hunt and point game, will retrieve on both water and land and also track and retrieve wounded game both on land as well as from the water.What should a Versatile Hunting Dog Display in the Field
In the field, versatile dogs should exhibit a staunch pointing and the desire to search for, track and retrieve game in a
What is NAVHDA?
The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) was founded 1969 in Goodwood, Ontario, Canada by a group of sporting dog enthusiasts, but is now based in Arlington Heights, Illinois, NAVHDA "is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs." The group has chapters in most states of the U.S. and provinces of Canada which sponsor testing and training programs.
At the present time, NAVHDA recognizes a studbook for the breeds listed below
Breed Names and most common abbreviations BRACCO ITALIANO........................... BI BRAQUE D’AUVERGNE....................... BA BRAQUE DU BOURBONNAIS.............. BB BRAQUE FRANCAIS........................... BF BRITTANY......................................... BS CESKYFOUSEK.................................. CF DREBTSCHE PARIJSHOND...................... DP ENGLISH SETTER.............................. ES FRENCH SPANIEL............................. FS GERMAN LONGHAIRED POINTER...... GL GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER..... GS GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER....... GW GORDON SETTER.............................. GO IRISH RED & WHITE SETTER............. IR IRISH SETTER...................................... IS LARGE MUNSTERLANDER...................... LM PICARDY SPANIEL................................. PS POINTER............................................... PT PORTUGUESE POINTER......................... PO PUDELPOINTER..................................... PP SLOVAKIAN WIREHAIRED POINTER....... SH SMALL MUNSTERLANDER...................... SM SPINONE............................................. SP STICHELHAAR...................................... ST VIZSLA............................................... VI WEIMARANER...................................... WM WIREHAIRED VIZSLA............................ WV WIREHARIED POINTING GRIFFON......... GR If you are interested in more information or joining a training group in your area, contact NAVHDA to find a local chapter near you. Joining a new group can be intimidating, but just remember we were all there at one time. Get your dog and get out in the field to train, before your know it you can be experiencing the pleasure of hunting with an exceptional gun dog. Joe Scarpy - HuntEmUp.com

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