Buck It Clover Madness (Clover/Alfalfa)
This is our top of the line clover mix with a dash premium alfalfa. This mix gives the deer all their favorite legumes. It has high levels of protein and great regrowth. The mix grows in a wide range of soils and grows quickly. The perennial clovers and alfalfa will last 3-5 years. Clover Madness is a bang for your trophy buck!
- Very grazing tolerant
- Fast/easy growing for early season nutrition
- Highly nutritious, attractive, and addictive
- Long Lasting
Mixture Components:
29% Berseem Clover
20% Medium Red Clover
14% Persian Clover
14% Hi-Gest® 360 Alfalfa
12% Ladino Clover
11% Crimson Clover
- pH: 5.5-7.0
- Plant up to ¼” inch deep
- Spring into early summer
- Drill 12-15 lbs per acre
- Broadcast 15-18 lbs per acre
- Clip back recommended at alfalfa/clover full flower
Planting Season: Spring into early summer
Soil Type Preference: Heavy or light, moderate-well drained