Common Household Items That are Poisonous to Dogs!
Everyday items around the house that are Poisonous to Dogs!
You may have heard it all before, but for everyone that has recently acquired a new pup or anyone that has not been informed in the past...Common Household Items That are Poisonous to Dogs!There are many different items that can be found in virtually every household. Dog owners need to pay particular attention to some of these items since they can poison their pets. The following is a list of some of the most common.
Homeowners frequently make use of pesticides to control a wide range pests. It's vital that you be careful when using them around your home. Dogs can be curious and a few licks of a trap can be very hazardous. Mice can be a very common problem, especially in a kennel situation. We do not recommend the use of any poisons when other animals are in the immediate area. Live traps for mice in areas that can be easily accessed by other animals and traditional traps be used in areas that cannot be easily accessed by other animals.Chemicals:
Other types of chemicals that you have around your home should also be kept away from your dog. Don't keep a bottle of bleach beneath the bathroom sink and let your dog go sniffing around unattended. You need to keep all types of chemical cleaners stored somewhere safe where your dog won't be able to access it.Antifreeze:
One of the most hazardous household items to dogs is antifreeze. It only takes a small dose to cause irreversible damage to the kidneys. Larger doses can easily be fatal. It's important to note that not all types of antifreeze have the same amount of danger. The chemical ethylene glycol is used in some types of antifreeze and is very deadly. If you own a dog, it's probably in your best interests to put antifreeze in your car that contains propylene glycol instead. This chemical is also dangerous, but your dog would need to ingest more of it to experience more severe consequences.Fertilizer:
Gardeners commonly make use of plant food or fertilizers to enhance the output of their hobby. Just make sure that you don't allow your dog to consume any of it. Be careful about the type of chemicals that you use on your lawn too. Don't let your dog go nosing around directly after you have applied any of these chemicals.Plants:
Speaking of gardening, dog owners need to note the different types of plants that are inside and outside their home. Some of them are very poisonous to dogs. Therefore, it would be a huge mistake to have them around since your dog won't know better than to eat them if he gets the notion. Mistletoe and azalea are two plant types that are very harmful.
Different types of medications are found in virtually every household. It doesn't matter if it's a simple cold medicine or prescription medication. You shouldn't let your dog have access to any human medications, unless directed by your Veterinarian. Medications aren't the only things that are toxic to dogs either, creams and liquids can also be harmful.Food:
Feeding a premium dog food is probably the single most important thing you can do for your pet’s health. Just like you and I, the better you eat the better you should feel and the better health you should be in. Premium dog foods will also help the amount of yard waste you will have to pick-up and should help in the amount of veterinary bills you would incur due to poor nutritional issues. Many people like giving pets table scraps. This is not something we recommend, but If you must feed your dog table scraps do so in his bowl away from the table and ensure that any bones, etc… have been removed from the offering. Bones have the potential to do major damage! Chewing on a bone may cause it to shatter and if he swallows the shattered pieces, they may lead to an intestinal obstruction and Internal / intestinal punctures. Feeding away from the table in his/her bowl will help prevent begging at the table. Remember that dogs are creatures of habit and can catch on fast; especially if a free meal is attached to the action. Other foods should never be given to dogs because they're poisonous. Two of the most poisonous include chocolate and onions. You should also avoid giving raisins, grapes, alcohol, and salt.
Canine First Aid:
I also recommend that you have a Dog / Canine First Aid Kit with you at all times. Just like with children, they can get into things and before you know it you have an issue at hand that needs to be addressed with medical attention. After addressing the injury in the field we suggest a follow-up visit with a Veterinarian to determine that the injury is not worse than it appears.
We suggest you consult your veterinarian for any additional recommendations on additional hazardous household Items that are Poisonous to Dogs that you be on the look-out for!
Joe Scarpy - Owner, Dog Trainer, Hunter
At HuntEmUp.com, we know sporting dogs. From the time they’re a puppy, through their senior years, we'll keep you informed on the latest news and information. For more information on Training, Preparing and Caring for your Dogs, read our Hunting and Sporting Dog blog.
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