Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit Product Review
Product Review of the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit

When purchasing new equipment, opting for a kit is often the easiest and most affordable option. Here, the Retriev-R-Trainer Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit will be reviewed, which contains everything you need to start using your RRT Lucky Launcher II immediately.
The Basic Kit contains:
Retriev-R-Trainer Lucky Launcher II
Retriev-R-Trainer White Canvas Dummy
100 Medium Vawter Ammunition Blanks
Operating Manual
The Retriev-R-Trainer Lucky Launcher II is a shoulder or thigh mounted version of the RRT
Hand Launcher that loosely resembles a shotgun. A simultaneous gunshot report is heard every time a dummy is launched. Durable construction from American-made aluminum, stainless steel, and brass keep guarantees a high-quality item. The stock of this launcher is sealed with e-coating, and is collapsible for easy storage. Like the RRT Hand Launcher, the launching mechanism of the Lucky Launcher II can be controlled with one hand.
The Retriev-R-Trainer White Canvas Dummy is a premium quality dummy that is designed specifically for use with RRT launchers. The dummy is comprised of foam that is covered with a water- and moisture resistant canvas. This product holds scent well, which can be injected or added via contact. The aluminum insert resists rust and corrosion while reducing launch recoil.
The Vawter Ammunition Blanks are superior quality blanks that can launch a dummy 125’ - 175’, depending on factors such as dummy material, wind direction, and angle of launch.
Benefits of the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit
If you are purchasing a handheld launcher for the first time, the basic kit is the way to go. The Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit is a curated package of the best items to complement your new launcher, at the best price.
The benefits of the Lucky Launcher II include the ability to replicate all hunting scenarios, such as shooting over your dog’s head. The simultaneous sound of a gun helps you better prepare your dog and reduces training time. The ease of use and portability of this device are unparalleled, allowing hunters to turn any open area into a training location.
Limitations of the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit
There are no limitations to this basic kit, as it contains everything a hunter requires to use the launcher.
Who can Benefit Most from the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit?
Hunters who are looking for an extra boost in their training or are seeking utmost versatility when practicing retrieves will benefit most from the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit.
Who can Benefit Least from the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit?
Hunters of dogs who have not yet been conditioned to the sound of gunshot overhead will not yet benefit from this product.
Similar Products in the Retriev-R-Trainer Line
Handheld launchers without the shoulder mounting mechanism are available from RRT, as are remote launchers.
Bottom Line
Ultimately, the Lucky Launcher II Basic Kit contains everything a hunter requires to take his or her dog into an open field and begin launching dummies as far as 175’ - 200’. With the superior workmanship and quality standards of Retriev-R-Trainer products, hunters can rest assured they are receiving a superior product that can withstand the rigors of any training scenario.

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