Dog Training Dummies and Bumpers
Dog Training Bumper and Dummies
Training bumpers and dummies come in several different shapes, colors, sizes and have several different uses. There use boils down to the retrieve, but why are there so many different options?
Both, dog training bumpers and dog training dummies can come in either plastic or canvas and their main objective is to simulate a dead game bird in the field. Used both on the water and in the field these are an excellent choice for any daily training regimen.
Why, So Many Bumper Options?
There are mainly three or four different colors of dog training dummies to choose from. Others are produced and available at your Dog training supply retailer but are just variations of the basic four colors. White and white/black dog training bumpers are used to build confidence and show contrast in different training environments. Orange or black dog training
Simulated Game Bird Dummies
There are also a couple additional options when it comes to the simulated Duck, Goose or Pheasant. Both Dokken and Avery offer a simulated Duck retrieval dummy that is also a great alternative to the standard bumper. Avery offers the Avery True Bird (ATB) and the Avery EZ-Bird. Avery EZ-Bird and ATB have a life size duck body with a floppy head to simulate the feel of a real bird in your dog's mouth. Dokken's Dead Fowl Trainer (DFT) is also designed with a life sized foam type body but also has rigid feet and a hard floppy head to simulate a dead bird and to teach the dog how to hold the bird correctly. The hard head and feet teach the dog to the main body of the duck and the hard floppy head it designed to smack the dog in the snout if he starts to become aggressive and start to shake the bird. All of these options are available at for your dog at HuntEmUp.com. They are designed to help in your Training regimen but not designed to do the teaching...that is still up to you!

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